Llama Beans!
Living with two outdoorsmen, Marianna & I are subject to unsolicited conversations
about various forms of waste. This post is about a good one, Llama Beans. Sounds like our southern “lima beans” but it’s not.
High school buddy Louise Meadows raises Llamas in Lincoln County.
These are champion llamas bred and raised for show. What do llamas
have to do with gardening? Well, their manure is one of the best forms of
nutrients for the garden–pure green and organic~. No worries about burning your plants as with synthetic and
some animal manures. You can throw the Llama Beans around your plants with no worries and
no smell!
Using the “beans” whole can be compared to using a slow release fertilizer whereas putting
a cup of beans or so in a bucket and filling with water to make a tea is even better- and
more direct.
Visit Louise and Sean’s website and see the beauties, and buy a bag of beans- 15 bucks for beans!
Blessings from the Bean Garden.
[…] put out Llama beans in garden beds for a healthy boost! […]