I did fail chemistry in high school and had to attend summer school for a few weeks. I didn’t look the type at the time–to fail a class, so the teacher said if I did really well on the first test, he’d let me pass!
Aced it and I was outta there.
Summer is hot in Augusta and our school grounds even hotter with all the concrete and limited shade. There are 3 concrete planters I try my best to tend at the school, but sometimes I can’t catch up with the heat!
Our new principal asked me to do something to liven up the concrete planter outside her office window. She reminded me kindly that she really likes pink. School starts back in the midst of summer here, so the fall look will come later!
I looked to Pinterest for inspiration and Deborah Silver popped up multiple times with the type planting I was seeking.
(photo credit: Deborah Silver)
The photo above came really close to what I was looking for. It is hotter than blazes in Augusta right now, my thoughts were to include plants that can take the heat without too much babysitting!
I put my list together before hitting the garden stores otherwise I’d be shopping for myself. I came close, but held back!
1. White Mandevilla vine
2. Deep hot pink petunias
3. Margarita sweet potato vine
4. Something golden yellow to kill all that pink
I had a flat of bright pink vinca from another project, so I planned to pack that planter for instant gratification. Armed with all these plants, my bag of supplies(jute, gloves, fertilizer, trash bags) , 3 bamboo poles, water bottle and a hand towel to wipe the sweat out of my eyes, I conquered the concrete planter!
I ended up with a really nice deep pink “Wave” petunia, the hot pink vinca, margarita sweet potato, a cheery golden mini Rudbekia and a very nice crisp white Mandevilla vine. I was like, hell, that looks pretty darn good.
This picture was taken on Day 3. I have been babysitting the plants though because I want them to have a good start. Watered them down today for the weekend.
Summer school is not so bad in the garden!
See you.
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