Get Busy This Month!
April To Do’s…
The month of April is about to get away
with me. We are escaping
the Master’s Golf Tournament for the week. …
This is a whirlwind time for planting/gardening,
so check posts daily!
Here’s what we need to be doing…
#1. Buy Sam Swedish Chocolates (Put on Bed)
sorry my son is accustomed to fancier
#2 Veggies…take a peek at this list
decide what you like to eat and get busy!
refer to UGA planting calendar
southern peas(blackeye, pinkeye, cream, crowder, zipper)
bell peppers
hot peppers/hot sweet peppers
sweet potatoes (mid month)
all tomatoes
pole, bush and lima beans
basil, rosemary, parsley, chives, mint
any herbs you use for cooking..
#3. PLANT!
* keep tall and vertical growing
plants toward back of garden spot
* buy some zinnia seeds and plant.
* 2-3 weeks after planting corn and beans,
plant more, keep planting every few weeks
til may.
* BE CREATIVE! My corn will go in front yard
this year!
Fill me in on what you are up to, send pics too!
Blessings from the Garden.
When should I expect strawberries to bear fruit? I have a couple of plants in a greenhouse and they have flowers but no sign of fruit. The blooms have been on the plants for about two weeks. Do I need to move them out of the greenhouse for pollination?
Thanks very much.
Thanks for posting a question!
Yes, I would get the plants out of the greenhouse and into the sunshine where the bees can do their thing. I've tried "forced pollination" with other plants before…take a Q Tip and wiggle gently in flower, then put in another flower of another plant…technically, that's what the bees do!
Good Luck and I'd love to see pics of your garden and results with your berries…