March is the perfect time to get your roses ready for spring and summer blooms. It is also time to order rose plants for early April planting.
Jane Burkhalter, local rosarian, recommends ordering “own stock” roses from Roses Unlimited in Laurens, South Carolina. Jane will share spring time tips for growing roses in the March/April issue of MLCHgarden.
My choice to plant this year is the Zephirine Drouhin a Bourbon from France with intoxicating fragrance. Here is Roses Unlimited’s information on this rose:
A climbing Bourbon that may be the most consistently blooming, large flowered climbing rose, with the added benefit that it is thorn-less. The 4″ blooms (petals 16) are deep rose-pink, fragrant, and produced in great quantities on a continual blooming bush.
After re-staining our picket fence, the garden was beat up and I was left with several empty holes. So looking forward to giving this Old Fashioned Heirloom rose a whirl.
see you.
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