When we go to the doctor, he listens to our complaints, assesses the area we are complaining about then gives you a diagnosis and treatment. No different with our Gizmo. He had rapid unexplainable visual changes about a month ago. Within a week’s time, he was almost completely blind. How could we tell? Mainly from stumbling out the back door and awkwardly maneuvering curbs on our daily walks. Then the kicker..still looking up at me when a few scraps of roast beef fell to the floor!
We traveled to Athens, Ga last week as recommended by our local vet, Dr. Lamar  Walker. An opthamologic problem was ruled out by Dr. Pentlarge a pet opthamologist, she sent us directly to the Small Animal Teaching Hospital at UGA.  In trying to nail down a diagnosis, clinicians will listen to the subjective information from me, the non-invasive neurological assessment they performed while we were there, and now it is time for more objective information. The pet neurologist, also a pom pom owner, recommended a chest xray, blood work, spinal tap and MRI to hone down a dignosis.  The top 2 diagnoses are some type of auto immune disease common in small breeds and a bacterial/fungal infection.
Ms. Nurse here stewed about this testing all the way home from Athens and over the Tday holiday. After a serious talk with Dr Walker, Â I have decided to take GMo to Athens on Monday for the recommended testing. Dr. Walker urged me to mention the order of testing to the neurologist. Bloodwork and spinal tap first as a lot of diagnostic info can come from this, en move to the MRI if necessary. The MRI is expensive! Either way, Gizmo will stay in ICU with 24 hour supervision until I pick him up on Wednesday.
If you are reading this you probably give a rip. I have friends snickering  at me about this whole thing not realizing how important a pet can be to your family. I have not gone to bed at night without crying yet. I am hopeful that the diagnosis has a good prognosis, and we can treat Gizmo with medicine. I cannot imagine if this were one of my children!
Your emails and special prayers and thoughts are appreciated! People I only know virtually…your kindness and empathy are priceless.
Stay well.
I absolutely understand! We don’t have pets, ML, we have family members who happen to be 4-legged and furry. We love them just as much as they love us, and when they suffer we do, too. I’m praying for you and Gizmo.
Thanks so much Ruthie! Yes, he is our little fellow! See you. ML
A few years ago I would have though maybe a little over done. That was BC (before Chloe) Today I am making dog sweet potato treats (just natural sweet no sugar added and bought two pair of baby socks with rubber soles to keep her from slipping on hard wood floors Who Knew
Yes Melva, the things we do! Ejoy your doggie and the swee potato treats sound tasty!
I totally get it. My first cat was SO important to me that folks worried about me when he died. I have lost two more since then. Now we have Ellie and boy! does she have a special spot in the family! I’m really sorry Gizmo is not seeing and that his momma’s heart is hurting. Hang in there!
Hey Allison!
Yes, this is not easy, but we are making the best and trying to keep Gizmo safe and happy! Hope to see you soon!