Time to get back to reality all you Wonder Girls! Menu planning helps save time and hopefully, some cash. I took time this morning to sign my iPhone up to the Publix coupon program. I am not a coupon clipper–Robert is. He doesn’t do the grocery shopping! Most of the time the coupons sit on the kitchen table, then get lost in the pile of newspapers, and finally tossed! Â Here is what I did this morning which is a little backwards from my normal routine. Hoping to save a bit by planning the menu around what is on sale this week. I did all of this on-line at the Publix website.
1. Check the “sales” in the meat department, choose 5 types of “entree” meats to use for each meal.
2. Check the fruit/veggie section for special purchase options.
3. Â Create a daily menu using the above items. You can send your choices to the Publix grocery list, then print. I am still liking my huge index card plan. One thing at a time!
4. Signed up for the “Skip the Clip” digital coupons. When you get to the check out, you put your phone number in and voila! Savings.
I buy a turkey breast every two weeks and we have at least 3 meals from that turkey breast. One meal is soup in the winter with some veggies and turkey meat. Â We also usually have Mimi’s turkey (could use chicken, too) hash. I’ll jot that recipe down for you later. Â So, the turkey breast is on my list this week.
Turkey breast, asparagus, yellow rice
Pork cutlets, sweet potatoes, green beans and baby carrots
Spaghetti, salad, Italian bread, brownies.
Sirloin steaks, baked potatoes, carrots, salad
Turkey burgers, mac and cheese, spinach
ML … This is SO funny! Like your Robert, my Joe faithfully cuts coupons and files them in my coupon organizer! I grocery shop, he cuts coupons!
Maria! He will sit here half the morning cutting the coupons of tons of things we dnt even use! The digital coupon thing is great. ML