It has been exactly 2 weeks since mama was discharged from the hospital and came to stay here for recuperation. Physically, she is doing well. She is walking with a cane, eating most anything we serve, and watching lots of tv. The boredom factor is serious. She seems miserable and somewhat disoriented. I am wondering if there is something I can set up on the Ipad that would occupy her mind. Whatever IT is would need to be mindless, not intimidating or difficult…maybe even a child’s game of some sort? Open to suggestions.
It’s been a  busy week with mama’s physical therapy, a doppler scan of her swollen leg today, and my day to day routine. Today is hair color day for me and boy, am I thrilled. List making has become critical for any of us to get anything accomplished. Someone asked me to describe my list-making routine so I’ll post about that later. I think I started my index card ritual in nursing school where juggling time and duties is critical!
Marianna and Emma have been steady working on 3 AP classes for their upcoming Junior year. The work is overwhelming to me, I am glad they can take it…I am so proud of them for scoring high enough to make AP World a college course! Next AP US History, AP Lit, AP Bio.  Getting at least 6 or 7 AP classes in before college application time. We are starting the list of look-see’s. Proud of Marianna getting the driver’s license this week too!
Meanwhile, Sam is still at the beach and I am covering his summer job duties. He has had a busy summer tending gardens, containers, picking veggies, snipping herbs, feeding fat cat, collecting papers and mail. He has learned a lot from the responsibility and hopes to continue with the addition of pine cone pick up and driveway blowing this fall. He put in an application for an ice cream shop, but no word yet. He is tickled with his 9th grade schedule: English with Mr. Adams, Graphics 2, Audio Visual Production and another wonderful science teacher this year.
Robert continues to dream about being a farmer, and lives the dream on weekends. He looks forward to retirement when we will be living country and city.
This sounds more like an annual Christmas letter, but who cares! Thanks for reading.
Tap soon.
Give Emily my love. Would like to come by for a short visit next week. Let me know if that will be ok.
Love to YOU and YOURS,