For some odd reason I am suffering from horrific PMS this month. Small things that I would ordinarily roll off are getting to me. Even my mother is driving me bonkers. Maybe it’s the “b” word(as in busy) Â or the lack of light at 7:50pm that is messing with my hormonal balance?
This afternoon, mama said she wanted to go to the store. I said ok, we will go after we pick up Sam from school. At 2:35pm she was in the car and ready to go. I opened the screened door to inform her I wasn’t going to leave until about 3pm.
Me: Sam doesn’t make it to the parking lot til about 3:15. What is your hurry to get to the store?
Mimi: Candy Corn. I need some candy.
Me: Well, let’s go now since we have a bit of time!
Mimi: I need three bags.
When we get into the  Boutique Bi-Lo, mama finds a buggy to lean on, heads for the candy aisle, and I go fetch milk and OJ. I never knew that my mother drank so much OJ and Diet Coke. Anyway, we find a short line at the 15 item EXPRESS lane.
Guess what! Some woman was front of us with 15 reusable bags–and believe me she wanted her credit, and $250 worth of groceries. The poor check out dude caught me on the wrong day. When the lady left, I asked him if he/she realized this was the EXPRESS lane?…He told me he is not supposed to say anything. The customer is always right, I suppose. I caught the manager on the way out to let him know this is why I shop at Publix. Boutique Bi Lo is so much closer, but it is worth it to drive just a bit further.
Mimi and I got into her Turbo Car, opened up that bag and enjoyed the candy corn.
Thanks for listening.
Full moon?
While I hope you are feeling better, I’m grateful for the laugh over my coffee this morning. When my mother would get our grandmother Louise’s shopping list, she’d say “More Pine Sol! How can she be using that much Pine Sol?! She must DRINK the stuff! ” Now I’m going to have to pick up some candy corn today.
It’s those Smith genes that make us crave the sweet stuff and I swear, there is a circadian rhythm in place at present that has sent us all into PMS and/or moodiness! September has been a bear!