I bit my tongue today at tennis. For the first time in 7 years of playing tennis my partner and I were almost accused of cheating or rather, Â being inappropriate on the court. As my partner hit a beautiful lob over the tall girl’ s head the accuser ran across the court to hit the ball. In the process, I said “great shot partner” and the accuser did not get to the ball before the second bounce. Truly, it would have been a miracle if her racquet hit the ball. Accuser stopped play to tell us that my words to my partner were distracting which caused her to miss the ball. I was flabbergasted. I apologized and almost offered the point back to her, but her tone was that of a scared loser. My partner and I were making our way to win the second set which I believe made the accuser nervous and willing to find any excuse to mess with our heads.
We lost the match in a 10 point tie breaker, but we won in that we did not let the accuser scramble around in our heads. The smartest thing we did was to ignore her after that. What a great life lesson.
It is so nice to have this website to let it all out!
Blessings from the courts!
Sometimes it’s best not to say anything….arguing w/ fools no one wins….lol…till another day…:)
your points are piling up in heaven!