About 3 years ago, Robert & I decided we would like to host a supper club. We chose 3 other couples as part of the “core group”. Each couple hosts the supper club dinner and has a 3 month (one quarter) time period to fulfill the commitment.
The host couple has complete reign over how the supper club party is carried out. Most of us see this as a way to invite friends we’ve not seen in a while or clients we want to get to know better! Robert & I will be having our supper club over in late March. I thought this would be a perfect time to have a Garden Party with herbs as the focus of the meal…
I’d love your thoughts on this and will fill you in as inspiration comes my way!
So far, this is what I have.
ML – my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's several years ago and my sister and I began the research frenzie to find out if we were at high risk for this awful disease. There is some fabulous data out there that shows that a persons diet can be 30-50% of their risk factor for getting this disease.
GREAT NEWS Spices are brain food. Some of the good ones are Turmeric powder, dried rosemary, garlic powder, fresh black peppercorns and sea salt.
Just an FYI for your dinner party.
You know, I just read an article on tumeric in Organic Gardening magazine. All the other herbs/spices will go in the dinner menu for sure!
Thanks for the input. Alzheimer's is such a scary disease.
see you