I entertain gardening questions almost daily & decided to post this one for readers.
From L.B., a friend on Facebook:
When is the best time to plant hydrangeas and how do you prepare the soil?
Great question especially as we anticipate cooler weather. I would plan to plant in
October, about the same time we plant pansies in Augusta. We should have cooler
weather and less stress on both plants & gardeners!
The fall is also the BEST time to prepare your soil, both for fall planting and spring
blooms! If you are really interested in the “make-up” of your soil, do a soil sample.
You can get bags from your county Extension office or most of the local garden centers.
You’ll receive a detailed report on what’s in the soil and what’s missing!
You may want to amend the area you intend to fill with hydrangeas with compost and/or
aged manure. If you are planting a blue hydrangea & you want it to be more blue or pink, the CSRA Hydrangea Society gives a clear description!
Be sure to consider where you are going to plant your hydrangeas. For years, I planted mophead blue hydrangeas in the full shade, and never a bloom- always died. Now, much wiser,
I plant them in most sun. Read up on your variety though as to how much sun it prefers!
Please post pics !!
Blessings from the Garden.
find me on Facebook: mlchgarden
Mary Louise,
Do hydrangeas ever need to be cut back? I have a huge hydrangea that is in full sun that has been here since way before we moved here 12 years ago. Do you just let them die back or should you ever cut or prune them? It has looked worse and worse over the years.
Mary Louise,
Do hydrangeas ever need to be cut back? I have a huge hydrangea that is in full sun that has been here since way before we moved here 12 years ago. Do you just let them die back or should you ever cut or prune them? It has looked worse and worse over the years.