I am sitting at the pool trying to see my iPad , but I am distracted by a familiar reflection. Then I look up at the 3 generations of women across the pool. The eldest is probably in  her late 70’s, then her daughter in her early 50’s, and the youngest looks to be in her early 20’s.  I wonder what the oldest is thinking. Does she notice her reflection in the sliding glass door as she goes in to get another cool beverage. Has she changed that much? Are the changes gradual or is it like Sam’s growth spurt- over night?
The reflection in the iPad is telling me that I am getting older, too. Hoping that my mind will continue to feel 35 even though the iPad disagrees!
My feeling is it is sad for a girl to reach the age where men consider her charmless however, it is worse for a man to reach the age where the girls consider him harmless.