Today marks the third week of my mother’s stay at our house since her discharge from University Hospital. We are slowly falling into a routine and adjusting to scattered schedules.  Mama has physical  therapy twice a week. I am so glad they understand her personality. She rolls her eyes when asked to go out to the driveway for  short stroll, calls them “task masters”, then  carries on with the punishment just to get it over with. I told the therapist to advance her little hiney right on out of the seated exercises.
Mama’s memory seems to be the only slow to return complication of the extended dehydration. It is as if her neurotransmitters are firing haphazardly, causing her to remember some things but not others. She seems perfectly clear, then she repeats herself or asks the same question repeatedly. Â Her recall is not what is was in early May. She has been reading the paper this week and commenting on how everything looks the same every day(and it does!). She works on the crossword puzzle a bit, and I help her cheat by searching answers on my Ipad.
We try to plan at least one special activity every day. Physical therapy, for now, counts as special. Anything that stimulates her mind or her body. Uncle Frankie called her yesterday and they chatted and caught up for a few minutes. Unfortunately, he is not doing so well, and has not been to visit in about 2 weeks. He is her baby brother-they are about 18 years apart. I am working on Skyping with her niece, Kathy, tomorrow. Kathy babysits while her daughter works, and mama would love to see how much Kathy’s grandbaby has grown. I also have a list of friends and family she needs to call-she’s not much of a chatter!
The best part ? Mama is really catching up on her food intake! It is good to see her standing over the sink devouring one of our home grown tomatoes and eating french bread! We had friends over one night this week, and she shared a glass of wine with us. THAT tells me she is getting better. Not too long ago, nothing tasted good. She went for about 6 weeks barely surviving on apple sauce and yogurt.
Not sure where this road will take us, but it’s better for me to just wing it every day. At this point I would guess that mama will not return home, but who knows? I had my doubts she would come this far. I mean, wine? really.
Will keep you posted.
Didn’t realize Unc was getting out to visit her. Would love an update on him too.
What time would be good to Skype for you? Alli and Lena are supposed to be here after 5 tonight and Lena is here all day until 4 tomorrow while Mommy works.
Looking forward to seeing you both and maybe planning a trip to GA later in the month.
Hugs to all…
Don’t underestimate the power of a glass of red wine! Seriously, in Italy hospital patients get their obligatory glass of red wine with their meals:)
Glad your mother is doing better … how can she not with all the good care you’ve been providing?