Well, the temps are sure cooling off here in Augusta, but not inside my house- is this what menopause is like?  Between Sam being hormonally hot and Mimi constantly cold, I surrender. Someone told me yesterday to trick both by having the thermostat lie about the temps- similar to the way I set my clocks 15 minutes ahead so I will always be on time?!  I called the heat/air guys to perform our semi-annual maintenance check and they can’t get here til December! Said the recent  cool resulted in a full schedule.
Meanwhile I am mulching the garden and fighting with my mother and Sam over the thermostat. I checked a few minutes ago, and she had raised the house temp to 75! Â Oh, no. I remember my grandmother(daddy’s mother) kept her house on McDowell Street boiling hot with the gas logs fired up too! Sorry, mama, but my legs are cracking and Sams hair is “electric”. Not good to have the house too hot.
Nor is it good to have a frozen garden. Last week’s Garden Quick Tip was about mulch. Pine bark, pine straw or compost provides a nice layer of warmth for you plants. I suspect this year to be record cold since last year was so mild, and because weather patterns have already been brutal(ie. Â Sandy). So, stay warm and keep your garden cozy.
see you.
Heating pad for Mimi… Fleece bathrobe? I think that colder internal thermostat comes partly from poorer circulation and also being less active. Love to Mimi…