I’ve become accustomed to the sight of the  long black water hose in my Rosemary Garden, but yesterday I was surprised by a new black hose in the garden. While checking out the tomatoes in The Back 40, I noticed something moving along the fence line. PLEASE DO NOT TELL MY MOTHER or she will never step outside again! I thought it was the dryness of my contacts , but , no, a black snake about 5 feet long slowly wiggling his way from underneath my 5 foot tall healthy tomato bushes. My skin just about fell off. Yes, I’m a gardener but I do not like snakes. Robert says you could just pick up a black snack and let it wriggle around in your hands. No thanks.
The Black Hose
Do you remember the lyrics by Tom T. Hall?
“Now maybe you won’t see him, maybe you won’t hear
But he’ll sneak up behind you, and drink all your root beer”
The Black Snake
This looks just like the black snake that surprised my neighbor last week, so they must be prevalent in our area this summer. Maybe the rain is bringing them out!
I think the rain has brought them out. Just yesterday afternoon I was very surprised by a little black snake hanging around on the top of the leaves of the ferns by my front door. Little or big, I do not like snakes eitheir, but I did touch it. Be aware they are out! Fortunately, in my back yard our jack russell terrorist takes care of them.
It is just the initial startle of seeing one that catches me off guard. The nice thing about black “rat” snakes is you can be assured if they are around … The “rats” aren’t . I dislike mice & rats more than snakes … And yes ladies they are a borrowing snake so they come out with excess rain. 😉 These are much friendlier snakes than those up by the lake.
I have a long black snake who likes to visit, He climbs up on the front porch, stays awhile in the shade and then wiggles to the monkey grass by the side of the steps and walkway. Then he disappears until he comes to visit again. Fascinating to watch his long slender body! He keeps mice & rats away as my house has a stream on one side and Rae’s Creek on the back. I welcome his visits!