Top 10.#beautifyjuly on Instagram
I am bored.
Sam is gone for a bit, Marianna in Athens, so I decided to dust off my brain by taking an online creative photo course by Emily Quinton.  Emily’s Makelight photos and website are all beautiful, so it’s  not hard to spend the 99$ for this course. Emily is adorable.
The course I am currently taking is ‘Beautify Your Instagram’.
I use Instagram to highlight the back stage of my floral design, gardening and just daily life.
My intent with all social media is to share information especially among those of same interests–
aspiring gardeners, 50+ gals, floral designers, etc.
Our first #beautifyjuly Instagram assignment was to go on a “Pinterest Safari”. (Click for the results of my Pinterest Safari!)
I scrolled through old pins and looked up garden, floral and food related pins that attracted my eye.
You’ll need a drool cup.
Oh, after wiping off the drool, let me know what you see here in the Top 10.
Is there a commonality among the photos? Look and let me know below in the REPLY section!
 Aren’t these images beautiful? I could post about a gazillion, but this gives me a start and an idea of what pleases my eye.
The next course is about light.
See you soon.
I see some great textural contrast in most of these pics. Also use of mostly natural materials as accents.
Thank you Celia!
Glass, copper, wood, cotton in the accents, and the differing textures and colors in plant/food materials. I think my favorite is the copper cup!!
My fave is the vase if green hydrangeas with all the varying colors of greenery….straight from the garden yard to the house!!
yep, Kaye
Uncomplicated, fresh and cool. I love that one too!!